
Social Science Faculty


We are very proud of our Social Sciences curriculum at James Nash SHS. We offer a full suite of subjects from year 7 to 12, providing an opportunity for students to succeed in courses which interest them. The Australian Curriculum for History and Geography is already embedded in our programs and we look forward to delivering its worthwhile units of study.

Year 7, 8 and 9

The combined subject History and Geography focusses on the distinct disciplines of History (Australian curriculum) and Geography (Australian curriculum). We also offer Journalism as a one-semester course in year 9. 

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Year 10

This year is seen as a preparation year for senior studies. All students study the Australian curriculum History units. However, we’ve designed specialist courses which allow students to complete the Australian curriculum units as well as units from other disciplines. Students choose a course which suits their interests. We offer Ancient and Modern History, Modern History, History and Geography, History and Legal Studies, History and Journalism, and History and Social and Community Studies. Social and Community Studies (SCS) is not an Authority subject. SCS is not as academically demanding as the other Authority Prep subjects but it is a senior subject and counts towards QCE. Journalism students are responsible for the production of the school’s yearbook.

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Year 11 and 12

We offer authority subjects Ancient History, Modern History, Geography and Legal Studies. Our Social and Community Studies subject is a Subject Area Specification (SAS) subject which cannot be used to count towards OPs. Our senior Social Science teachers at James Nash SHS are professional and enthusiastic; we have panellists on all of our QSA subject panels for quality control processes involving monitoring and verification of student work.

Last reviewed 25 February 2019
Last updated 25 February 2019